Monday 3 November 2014

Holidays are coming.... xDxDxD


So it's not even 5:30pm yet and I'm looking out the window and it's already SO dark! This is so not okay!
On the bright side I am already feeling pretty festive - which is totally unlike me for so early in the year. I'm normally the moany old fart who sees the christmas chocolates in Tescos this early and goes on a massive rant about it. But I'm about ready to bust out Now That's What I Call Christmas and cruise through the town!!!

Not sure what's brought on this crazy festive trend in me so early this year but I'm not complaining! Can't wait for snuggled nights in by the fire with mince pies and mulled wine mmmmmm!

Anyway, this weekend I had my super duper superhero themed birthday extravaganza - you can find photos of the festivities on my instagram account - @lucyblumusic.

It was great fun with superhero movies, games, food and drink. Big thank you to all my wonderful friends who came to celebrate with me - better late than never!

In more music type news, I'm excited to be working on a new track - working title is currently Song 4 You. It will definitely be making an appearance on my debut album which will be out mid 2015. It's an amalgamation of loads of little ideas I've had buzzing around my head 

My gig diary is also slowly filling up and starting to take shape - if you're interested in booking me for any events or gigs, make sure to email my management at before I'm all booked up! 

Support on Twitter and Facebook has been legendary recently - really want to thank all of you who have been my fabulous BluBelles from Day 1. I will honestly never forget the amazing words and actions of you guys. Because after all, without you guys, what good am I?

Peace and love and sparkles world


Thursday 23 October 2014

Short Days & Dark Nights

Afternoon lovebugs!

It's getting to that time of year again! It's not even 5pm and I can already see it starting to get dark outside! The wind is getting chilly, halloween candies are in all the shops, and Starbucks are sticking pumpkin flavouring in EVERYTHING. It can only be October!

I had my birthday this month which was super fabulous! I had a wonderful relaxing day, got some fabby fab presents, and spent some time in the evening with some much loved friends. Thanks to all my amazing BluBelles out there on Twitter who wished me a Happy Birthday. Was really feeling the love!

This weekend is a bit of a mad one for me! The kids I've been coaching all have their performances at a Cabaret Night on Saturday, and then I have a charity gig myself on Sunday to raise money for the Noah's Ark Children's Hospice. If anyone's interested in getting tickets, it's this Sunday at 7:30 at the Wyllyotts Theatre in Potters Bar. There's performances from a number of exceptionally talented groups and individuals - and me of course ;-)

It's selling out fast so to get your tickets follow the link below:

 I've also had a few more bookings come in via email through my management this week - which is very exciting! Things are really getting kick started now. If you're interested in booking me for any gigs don't hesitate to email now!!!

On the flip side, I'm cracking on with the writing and producing for my debut album. Got a nice collection of songs that are now starting to take shape. Watch this space ladies and gents! I'll be taking over your airways before much longer ;-)

That's all for now I think, time for me to crawl back into my music fort and get cracking on the rest of that No 1 Debut Album!

Love && Sparkles 


Friday 3 October 2014

October Wishes

Hi-de-ho gorgeous ones and welcome to my first blog post of October 2014!

Where on earth has this year gone? Can't believe how quickly time is flying. It's pretty scary isn't it? 

On a lighter note, October is my FAVOURITE month because MY BIRTHDAY is in October! Wahoo! 

From all your wonderful replies on twitter it seems lots of my BluBelles out there are also October babies, so here's hoping all our fabulous birthday wishes come true!

This month has also seen the release of my first OFFICIAL interview, with Music of the Future. Which you can find here!

As well as that, I've had a few extra questions come in from some of you guys, so thought I'd add them in to this blog post so you can all get to know me a little better! :-)


1) What's your favourite food?
A nice easy one to start off with, and my FAVE subject! My favourite meal is undoubtedly Spaghetti Bolognese, BUT I've got a soft spot for anything that involves cheese or chocolate :) 

2) What did you want to be when you were little?

As clichee as it sounds, I can't remember ever wanting to anything other than perform. Unless you count the brief era in my childhood when I decided I was going to be a waitress on roller skates :)

3) Do you have any brothers and sisters?

I have one older brother. He's into music aswell and I probably wouldnt have the broad taste in music I have today without him.

4) Who is your celebrity crush?

Now that IS a tough one. Depends what day of the week it is....hehe. But right now it's definitely Tom Hiddleston. 

5) What's your favourite movie?
Such a tough question! At the moment I can't stop watching Despicable Me 2! I just love those minions! But my favourite film of all time has got to be either Avengers Assemble or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. 

6) Is there a genre of music you really don't like?

Honestly no. There are genres you probably wouldn't catch me listening to, but I'm of the opinion that if even one person likes something, they must have a reason to, so the rest of us should appreciate it for that reason.


Thanks for all your questions so far BluBelles, if there's anything else you'd like to know, don't be shy! Message me on twitter @lucybluofficial

Love & Sparkles


Thursday 18 September 2014


Merry Thursday to all my beautiful blog readers today!

I'm coming at you this week with a special edition blog post, featuring a #ThrowbackThursday 90's trivia quiz, to see how well y'all remember the 90s! Too much denim and platform shoes aside, the 90s were my favourite era! I'm sitting here waiting for some of those fashions to come back (*cough* hair jewels *cough).

 Don't forget to let me know how you do in the quiz!! Tweet me @lucybluofficial for a special shoutout to the highest scorers!! And no cheating BluBelles!!!

The Quiz

1) Who played the character Patsy in the 90s sitcom Ab Fab?
        a) Dawn French
        b) Jennifer Saunders
        c) Joanna Lumley
        d) Catherine Tate

2)  Who was Kurt Cobain married to?
        a) Madonna
        b) Liv Tyler
        c) Courtney Love
        d) Paula Abdul

3) In the hit tv series Boy Meets World, what was the name of Shawn Hunter's father?
         a) Chet
        b) Bret
        c) Jett
        d) Matt

4) Who's famous catchphrase was "Say what you see," and which gameshow was he featured on?

5) What was the name of the first cloned sheep?
        a) Molly
       b) Dolly
       c) Polly
       d) Wally

6) Which year marked the start of the hit cartoon 'The Simpsons?'

7) What colour was Mr Blobby and what colour were his spots?

8) Which of the following was a hit for the Backstreet Boys?
       a) I Want You Back
      b) Tearin' Up My Heart
      c) When You Say Nothing At All
      d) I'll Never Break Your Heart

9) Which two Hollywood stars came together to write 'Good Will Hunting?'
       a) Demi Moore and Bruce Willis
      b) Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson
      c) Ben Affleck and Matt Damon
      d) Jim Carey and Will Smith

10) Which Disney classic was NOT released in the 90s?
      a) Beauty and the Beast
      b) Tarzan
      c) The Lion King
      d) The Little Mermaid


Well there we have it. Good luck! The answers can be found the end of this blog, but NO CHEATING! 

Don't forget to tweet me @lucybluofficial and let me know how you did! Remember the top scorers will receive a free shoutout/a follow from me!

In other more musicy news, I've been a busy bee this week continuing work on my debut album, which I hope to release early next year. My latest song, Damaged Angel is coming along nicely, as a tackle the very tough subject matter of eating disorders in the media. I hope it means as much to you all out there as it does to me.

As always, love you all, and please keep sharing my music. Your support means the world to me.

Love & Sparkles

The Answers

1) c 2) c 3) a 4) Roy Walker on 'Catchphrase' 5) b 6) 1990 7) Pink with yellow spots 8) d 9) c 10) d

Thursday 11 September 2014

Never Forget

Good afternoon loves and welcome to this week's blog post. I've had another busy week, completing my first interview which should be posted sometime in the next few days! 

My main message today is, of course, in remembrance of those that lost their lives tragically 13 years ago today in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. I think it's safe to say everybody remembers where they were on that fateful day 13 years ago when they heard that the Twin Towers had been hit by aeroplanes in a terrorist attack. It was a terrifying moment that shook the world, and I hope that as the years go by, people never forget just how it made them feel.

At the risk of getting too political, particularly in today's current climate, I think it's easy to become desensitized to the horrors that human beings can inflict on one another. We see news of attacks, murders, rape and violence everyday and it truly is terrible. As a society today we tend towards focusing on the labels and the classification of who's harming who. But regardless of whether it's ISIS, the IRA, or Joe Bloggs who lives down the street, the tragedy will always lie in the fact that this is humans, killing humans. A fact that sometimes, I believe, gets lost in propanganda battles. 

RIP to all those who lost their lives in such a senseless and brutal attack. I cannot imagine the horror they suffered in their final moments. 

On a brighter note, I encourage all to hug your pets, phone your parents & grandparents, and tell your loved ones that you love them. You never know where each day will take you. You may not get another chance. 

On that note, I love ALL OF YOU for being there for me through this journey. I've had so much support from you guys out there which makes everything I'm doing so worth it! I hope I'm able to pay you all back someday when I'm an international pop sensation ;-P

Love & Sparkles 

Monday 1 September 2014

Music Mondays

Morning Cherubs!

So it looks like summer is officially over here in the UK :( I can feel myself adding a layer of clothing each time I go outside. BUT that doesn't mean anybody is gloomy here at Lucy Blu HQ! 

Things are currently on a decent roll for me at the moment. Writing/producing music en masse, and currently working on an interesting throwback mashup that you kids of the 90s will (hopefully) LOVE! Don't forget to keep sharing my latest vid with all your gorgeous friends & families :-) if you haven't already, you can catch it here:

In other Music Monday news, I suppose I can't get away without mentioning that this weekend saw the return of the infamous X Factor! And yes I must admit I did tune in. My favourite acts were Andrea with his fabulous rendition of MJ's 'Who's Lovin You,' (One of my FAVOURITE songs of all time FYI!) and Only The Young. As a singer I have mixed feelings over the show, but once you accept it for what it is I think it can be enjoyed. People need to remember that first and foremost it is an entertainment programme, out to secure ratings.

FINALLY for today cherubs, I'm going to be soon releasing my first official video interview. I've been getting some questions recently from my gorgeous BluBelles and figured I'd stick them all in one place so you can all get to know me a little better. 

SO if you have any questions, send them over on Twitter to @lucybluofficial quick and I'll make sure to give you a little shoutout. 

Thanks loves!

Speak soon 

Thursday 21 August 2014

The journey begins....

Good morning to you all on this gorgeous summer's day.

Welcome to my brand spanking new blog, where I plan to document my journey and development as a song writer, producer and artist in the coming years. And of course ramble about movies, tv shows, diets, games, celebrities and other gushy stuff...

I guess I should begin by telling you a little bit about myself, which isn't something I'm looking forward to, because (and I'm sure you've been there) the minute somebody asks you to say something interesting about yourself your mind goes blank and you have trouble even remembering what you had for breakfast that morning (strawberry yoghurt and a banana) I think.   Anyway, here goes….

Lucy Blu (me) is a singer/songwriter based in London/Essex.   Although Essex born and bred, my heritage is a bit of a mix. My dad was born in Portugal and my mum is from North East England.  (Half Madeira cake, half Yorkshire pudd my lovely Nan used to say). 

My interests, beside music, include; horror movies, video games, Jodi Picoult novels, and anything that sparkles.
On to the good stuff: the music! 

The best way I can describe my style is a mash-up of country, soul and pop. My biggest influences include Carrie Underwood, the late great Michael Jackson, Paloma Faith and the wonderful Linda Ronstadt.

Journeying into the broader lands of my musical tastes, well I guess you could say there's very little I won't like. If you take a scroll through my iPod you'll find Willie Nelson next to Beyonce, Fallout Boy next to the Eagles, and Dolly Parton next to Kanye West. I appreciate each and every genre of music for what it is, how it's made, and who its for. I have always believed that someone who disregards a song as trash because it doesn't fit in to the particular genre they favour, really doesn't have a great attitude when it comes to music. Each to their own as I always say!

With that in mind, you can head over to my Youtube channel NOW! You can currently find a selection of covers that should (hopefully) support my above statements about my taste in music, and also my DEBUT SINGLE 'Helpless.' Out now and available for FREE DOWNLOAD via the Soundcloud link!

You can keep up with news and updates by following me on twitter: @lucybluofficial, and also check out my mug on Instagram: @lucyblumusic

And finally, remember that Thursday is BLOG DAY, so head over every Thursday for a new load of tosh from yours truly!

Bon Voyage Bloggers