Thursday 11 September 2014

Never Forget

Good afternoon loves and welcome to this week's blog post. I've had another busy week, completing my first interview which should be posted sometime in the next few days! 

My main message today is, of course, in remembrance of those that lost their lives tragically 13 years ago today in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. I think it's safe to say everybody remembers where they were on that fateful day 13 years ago when they heard that the Twin Towers had been hit by aeroplanes in a terrorist attack. It was a terrifying moment that shook the world, and I hope that as the years go by, people never forget just how it made them feel.

At the risk of getting too political, particularly in today's current climate, I think it's easy to become desensitized to the horrors that human beings can inflict on one another. We see news of attacks, murders, rape and violence everyday and it truly is terrible. As a society today we tend towards focusing on the labels and the classification of who's harming who. But regardless of whether it's ISIS, the IRA, or Joe Bloggs who lives down the street, the tragedy will always lie in the fact that this is humans, killing humans. A fact that sometimes, I believe, gets lost in propanganda battles. 

RIP to all those who lost their lives in such a senseless and brutal attack. I cannot imagine the horror they suffered in their final moments. 

On a brighter note, I encourage all to hug your pets, phone your parents & grandparents, and tell your loved ones that you love them. You never know where each day will take you. You may not get another chance. 

On that note, I love ALL OF YOU for being there for me through this journey. I've had so much support from you guys out there which makes everything I'm doing so worth it! I hope I'm able to pay you all back someday when I'm an international pop sensation ;-P

Love & Sparkles 

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