Thursday 21 August 2014

The journey begins....

Good morning to you all on this gorgeous summer's day.

Welcome to my brand spanking new blog, where I plan to document my journey and development as a song writer, producer and artist in the coming years. And of course ramble about movies, tv shows, diets, games, celebrities and other gushy stuff...

I guess I should begin by telling you a little bit about myself, which isn't something I'm looking forward to, because (and I'm sure you've been there) the minute somebody asks you to say something interesting about yourself your mind goes blank and you have trouble even remembering what you had for breakfast that morning (strawberry yoghurt and a banana) I think.   Anyway, here goes….

Lucy Blu (me) is a singer/songwriter based in London/Essex.   Although Essex born and bred, my heritage is a bit of a mix. My dad was born in Portugal and my mum is from North East England.  (Half Madeira cake, half Yorkshire pudd my lovely Nan used to say). 

My interests, beside music, include; horror movies, video games, Jodi Picoult novels, and anything that sparkles.
On to the good stuff: the music! 

The best way I can describe my style is a mash-up of country, soul and pop. My biggest influences include Carrie Underwood, the late great Michael Jackson, Paloma Faith and the wonderful Linda Ronstadt.

Journeying into the broader lands of my musical tastes, well I guess you could say there's very little I won't like. If you take a scroll through my iPod you'll find Willie Nelson next to Beyonce, Fallout Boy next to the Eagles, and Dolly Parton next to Kanye West. I appreciate each and every genre of music for what it is, how it's made, and who its for. I have always believed that someone who disregards a song as trash because it doesn't fit in to the particular genre they favour, really doesn't have a great attitude when it comes to music. Each to their own as I always say!

With that in mind, you can head over to my Youtube channel NOW! You can currently find a selection of covers that should (hopefully) support my above statements about my taste in music, and also my DEBUT SINGLE 'Helpless.' Out now and available for FREE DOWNLOAD via the Soundcloud link!

You can keep up with news and updates by following me on twitter: @lucybluofficial, and also check out my mug on Instagram: @lucyblumusic

And finally, remember that Thursday is BLOG DAY, so head over every Thursday for a new load of tosh from yours truly!

Bon Voyage Bloggers

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