Thursday 23 October 2014

Short Days & Dark Nights

Afternoon lovebugs!

It's getting to that time of year again! It's not even 5pm and I can already see it starting to get dark outside! The wind is getting chilly, halloween candies are in all the shops, and Starbucks are sticking pumpkin flavouring in EVERYTHING. It can only be October!

I had my birthday this month which was super fabulous! I had a wonderful relaxing day, got some fabby fab presents, and spent some time in the evening with some much loved friends. Thanks to all my amazing BluBelles out there on Twitter who wished me a Happy Birthday. Was really feeling the love!

This weekend is a bit of a mad one for me! The kids I've been coaching all have their performances at a Cabaret Night on Saturday, and then I have a charity gig myself on Sunday to raise money for the Noah's Ark Children's Hospice. If anyone's interested in getting tickets, it's this Sunday at 7:30 at the Wyllyotts Theatre in Potters Bar. There's performances from a number of exceptionally talented groups and individuals - and me of course ;-)

It's selling out fast so to get your tickets follow the link below:

 I've also had a few more bookings come in via email through my management this week - which is very exciting! Things are really getting kick started now. If you're interested in booking me for any gigs don't hesitate to email now!!!

On the flip side, I'm cracking on with the writing and producing for my debut album. Got a nice collection of songs that are now starting to take shape. Watch this space ladies and gents! I'll be taking over your airways before much longer ;-)

That's all for now I think, time for me to crawl back into my music fort and get cracking on the rest of that No 1 Debut Album!

Love && Sparkles 


Friday 3 October 2014

October Wishes

Hi-de-ho gorgeous ones and welcome to my first blog post of October 2014!

Where on earth has this year gone? Can't believe how quickly time is flying. It's pretty scary isn't it? 

On a lighter note, October is my FAVOURITE month because MY BIRTHDAY is in October! Wahoo! 

From all your wonderful replies on twitter it seems lots of my BluBelles out there are also October babies, so here's hoping all our fabulous birthday wishes come true!

This month has also seen the release of my first OFFICIAL interview, with Music of the Future. Which you can find here!

As well as that, I've had a few extra questions come in from some of you guys, so thought I'd add them in to this blog post so you can all get to know me a little better! :-)


1) What's your favourite food?
A nice easy one to start off with, and my FAVE subject! My favourite meal is undoubtedly Spaghetti Bolognese, BUT I've got a soft spot for anything that involves cheese or chocolate :) 

2) What did you want to be when you were little?

As clichee as it sounds, I can't remember ever wanting to anything other than perform. Unless you count the brief era in my childhood when I decided I was going to be a waitress on roller skates :)

3) Do you have any brothers and sisters?

I have one older brother. He's into music aswell and I probably wouldnt have the broad taste in music I have today without him.

4) Who is your celebrity crush?

Now that IS a tough one. Depends what day of the week it is....hehe. But right now it's definitely Tom Hiddleston. 

5) What's your favourite movie?
Such a tough question! At the moment I can't stop watching Despicable Me 2! I just love those minions! But my favourite film of all time has got to be either Avengers Assemble or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. 

6) Is there a genre of music you really don't like?

Honestly no. There are genres you probably wouldn't catch me listening to, but I'm of the opinion that if even one person likes something, they must have a reason to, so the rest of us should appreciate it for that reason.


Thanks for all your questions so far BluBelles, if there's anything else you'd like to know, don't be shy! Message me on twitter @lucybluofficial

Love & Sparkles
